For those of you who don't know, Sea Scouts is a branch of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a program open to both boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 21 (though most kids only stay through high school and then leave for college). The kids that join become part of a crew on a sailboat and learn all that is involved in sailing and maintaining that boat. They compete in races, earn certification in various boat handling and SCUBA skills (though SCUBA is more costly and is dependent on fund raising, etc.) and take weekend sailing trips together.
Apprentice is the first rank that a crew member can receive but it was a big deal for Josh. He first learned about Sea Scouts about five years ago (he was 9) and has been desperately waiting to meet the age requirements ever since. As the newest member of the crew and the youngest member of the crew , Josh has a lot to learn. However, after watching the ceremony tonight (and the way he lit up when they presented him with his award) I was reminded what an amazing opportunity this really is for him.
Although I can't know for sure what Josh's future will bring, I know that Sea Scouts will play a role in getting him there... and for that, I am thankful.
Congrats to your son and to you! You're a good mom!