Friday, May 20, 2011

Just Getting Started!

Today is my first official day of work for my new job.  I am now a contributing writer for a wonderful website ( and I could not be more excited!

As I was considering the opportunity that sits in front of me (the chance to make a living as a writer) I am reminded of my childhood and how long writing has been a part of my life.  I have always been a very practical person and even as a child I considered writing to be a silly and frivolous hobby.  Though I loved writing and would spend hours writing stories for my own amusement, it was always with a sense of guilt for the "real" work that would not get done.  It wasn't until I was about 13 years old when I discovered a book while on vacation with my family.   

"Creative Writing: for People Who Can't Not Write"... It struck me then but even more so today.  Writing is one of those things that I can't seem to get away from!  I have spent a lot of years assuming that more practical jobs were worth my time and talent but I never last very long without writing.  So it is with great joy and perhaps some sense of irony that I find myself back were I started: in spite of my best efforts, it appears that no matter how impractical it may seem, for the foreseeable future, I will be a writer!

BTW, this is one of the few books that I have kept in my personal library on the topic of writing.  If you are interested in writing creatively, feel free to check it out by following the link below. 

1 comment:

  1. I am honored to have you on my staff. You always were a joy to to be with. I can't wait to share you and your knowledge with How To Homeschool Today fans!
