Monday, May 26, 2008

To My Sister

I just wanted to post a quick note to publicly thank my AMAZING SISTER, Kate for blessing Mitch and I with her upright grand piano that (as of last night) now sits proudly in our office!!!

When I was a kid my parents were given an upright grand piano and both my brother and sister turned out to be amazingly gifted pianists (my sister even went to college for music).  We rarely made a big show of their talent at home (we all had our own stuff to do) but having that constant flow of music illustrating my daily life was something that I treasured.  I remember especially around the holidays sitting underneath the Christmas tree looking at the lights and listening to my sister practice The First Snowfall by Michael W. Smith… I felt like I was living in a storybook or something… It was just perfect.

Now, thanks to my sister and her generosity, I have already had the music return to my home!  Last night almost immediately after David (my brother) and Mitch got the piano moved into the office (Thanks David and I am praying that you're not in to much pain today :-) ), Mitch sat down and spent a few hours playing the piano and learning a new song for me (it's one that comes on the radio and reminds me of a favorite moment in our relationship).  I sat working on lesson plans for the coming school year while my wonderful husband serenaded me with a song that always makes me smile!... I am soooooooooooo happy!!!!

Thank you, Kate… You are THE BEST!!